MOH distributing 6 Covid-19 test kits to households to refresh national stockpile

They will be distributed from Jul. 17 to Sep. 30, 2023.

Syahindah Ishak| July 16, 2023, 04:50 PM

The Ministry of Health (MOH) will distribute six Covid-19 antigen rapid test (ART) kits to all residential households from Jul. 17 to Sep. 30, 2023.

Expiring in first quarter of 2024

The ART kits will be drawn from Singapore's national stockpile, which MOH said was "built to mitigate supply chain disruptions and sudden surges in usage".

"As the stockpile needs to be refreshed to maintain resiliency, the current batch of ART kits have a remaining shelf life of about six months," added MOH.

The distributed ART kits are expected to expire in the first quarter of 2024.

"Their usable period can still cover the year-end, coinciding with the northern hemisphere winter season, during which respiratory viruses including influenza and Covid-19 may spread more easily globally.

Many also take overseas vacations during this period and the kits will help families to take additional precautions where needed."

Everyone must be socially responsible

With the shift towards Covid-19 endemicity, MOH reminded Singaporeans to take measures to protect themselves and their families, especially seniors and medically vulnerable persons.

"Everyone plays a part in being socially responsible," said the ministry.

Those who test positive should avoid close contact with others while still symptomatic, and may return to normal activities when their symptoms resolve.

If there is a need to go out while symptomatic, they should wear a mask when leaving home, minimise social interactions and avoid crowded places.

Those who are medically vulnerable or with severe, prolonged or worsening acute respiratory infection (ARI) symptoms should see a doctor.

MOH also encouraged eligible persons to receive the recommended vaccine doses.

Those aged five and above who have not completed their minimum protection of vaccinations are urged to do so.

In addition, individuals aged 60 years and above and medically vulnerable persons are recommended to receive the updated bivalent vaccine booster around one year after their last booster dose.

They can start to receive it from five months after their last booster dose.

Top photo by Guido Hofmann on Unsplash