Tour bus ran over foot of woman, 69, bus driver, 41, arrested for careless driving

"I don't want to live anymore," the woman wailed.

Ruth Chai| April 03, 2023, 03:43 PM

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A 41-year-old man was driving a tour bus when he ran over a 69-year-old woman's right foot as she was crossing the road near Golden Mile Tower.

Responding to Mothership's queries, the police said that they were alerted to an accident at the junction of Jalan Sultan and Beach Road at about 9:05pm on Mar. 30.

According to the driver, who was interviewed by Shin Min Daily News, he had been preparing to pick up passengers from a hotel.

The driver said he was unfamiliar with the area. That day, it was raining slightly and he had stopped at a red light.

When the light turned green, the driver was about to make a right turn, when he hit the woman unknowingly.

It was only after passers-by started shouting and banging on his bus that he was aware that he had hit a pedestrian.

An eyewitness told Shin Min that he had witnessed the accident when he was about to cross the road in front of The Concourse.

He had heard screaming coming from the other side of the road and rushed over to check.

A staff member of a nearby restaurant told Shin Min that he had seen two people banging on the bus door to notify the driver that he had hit someone.

He said numerous people called the police to report the incident.

The tour bus allegedly hit the woman and its tyre ran over the woman's foot, which caused the skin on her foot to tear, aggravating the injury.

The tour bus had initially hit the woman, and the driver alighted, it was reported.

Upon seeing that the woman's foot pinned under a tyre, the driver got back into the bus to move it.

The woman's foot was bleeding profusely and she was crying out in pain.

She sat on the ground and clutched her injured foot, and wailed that she did not want to live anymore as passers-by crowded around her to help.

According to Shin Min, the victim is the owner of a Japanese restaurant.

The police said she was conveyed conscious to the hospital.

The woman’s husband was also notified of the accident, it was reported.

As she was in too much pain, an eyewitness had to explain the situation to her husband over the phone.

Her husband, who was working nearby, rushed over and comforted his wife before accompanying her to the hospital.

The bus driver was subsequently arrested for careless driving causing grievous hurt.

Police investigations are ongoing.

Top photos via Shin Min