Customers overwhelm Texas Chicken staff after free chicken bags run out, leave her in tears

People have urged the public to be kinder to F&B staff.

Ilyda Chua| April 17, 2023, 04:35 PM

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A staff member at a Texas Chicken branch was left in tears after she was allegedly confronted by disappointed patrons hoping to get a free chicken bag.

The incident was captured by user Usman DC, in a video promoting Texas Chicken's 13th anniversary combo.

Left in tears

According to Usman's video, the branch had run out of chicken bags, leaving a number of customers disappointed and a staff member crying "out of frustration".

"Some people actually queue (sic) up to 4 or 5 hours only to find out there's no more bag," he said.

He elaborated in the comments that some patrons had confronted her, telling her they had been queueing for five hours.

"They suggested that she tell her management next time they should state how many bags were they [sic] so ppl don't queue for nothing," he wrote.

According to media reports online, the inciting event was when a man asked the staff member if there were any more chicken bags, and if the promotion was still available.

When told that there were no bags left, he asked her to provide feedback to the management instead of allowing customers to continue queueing. Other customers allegedly queued for four and a half to five hours.

The man also allegedly suggested that the waiting customers be given a bag once the freebies were restocked.

The staff member tried to explain that the bags would not be restocked, but the man apparently kept repeating himself.

She then burst into tears and ran into the corner. In Usman's video, the male customer could be seen trying to comfort the staff and getting other customers to help calm her down as well.

Other side of the story

However, a Mothership reader who was present at the scene shared that the staff member had earlier informed customers at the back of the queue that there were only 50 bags left.

"But all they did [was] just shrug their shoulders and continued queueing," she said.

She claimed that the outlet was one staff member short that day, "so every single staff was working hard and trying to give everyone their orders".

But she did feel that the promotion"could've been better handled". For example, she suggested that the outlet could have distributed queue numbers to the waiting customers.

"Less chaos for the staff and would've not given false hope to the customers who reached late," she explained.

In response to Mothership's queries, a spokesperson from Texas Chicken confirmed that the incident occurred at their Century Square outlet.

The spokesperson clarified that the staff member had felt "overwhelmed" by the crowd and queries about the fully-redeemed bags.

"Our management team have reached out and have spoken to her, she is feeling better now," the spokesperson added.

The bags are currently out of stock at all branches, and there are no plans to restock it.


Users in the comments section urged members of the public to "please be kind" to F&B staff.

Others criticised Usman DC for using the incident to promote the deal.

After relaying the incident, he'd proceeded to add: "But you can still buy the deal for the 50 per cent off S$13.90 for two sets."

Photos via Texas Chicken/Instagram and Usman DC/TikTok