Jack Neo, 63, a grandad again, shares photos of newborn grandson


Lean Jinghui| April 28, 2023, 10:16 AM

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Singapore filmmaker Jack Neo has become a grandfather again.

Neo announced the birth of his latest grandson with a series of adorable family pictures posted on Apr. 26.

According to Neo's Facebook post, his grandson was born on Wednesday, Apr. 26.

He shared in his post:

"Aiyoh, I am too happy. My precious grandson has arrived today, and my eldest son has officially become a dad!

The Neo family has welcomed another new member to the family."

In the pictures, Neo and his wife were seen carrying their newborn grandson with glee, and gazing lovingly at him.

Image via Jack Neo Facebook

Image via Jack Neo Facebook

Image via Jack Neo Facebook

Image via Jack Neo Facebook

The pair were also seen taking a saccharine sweet family picture with their son and daughter-in-law, as well as their grandson.

Image via Jack Neo Facebook

Image via Jack Neo Facebook

Image via Jack Neo Facebook

Grandson weighs in at 3.6kg

Neo wrote that above all, he was very relieved and grateful that both mother and son were healthy and well, and that the delivery had been a success.

According to Neo, his grandson weighed in at a healthy 3.6kg.

Image via Jack Neo Facebook

In the comment section, many users, including celebrities such as Mark Lee and Ryan Lian, congratulated Neo on the happy occasion.

Neo also thanked everyone for their blessings and well-wishes.Neo's daughter, Ethel, also took to Instagram to congratulate her brother and her sister-in-law.

In one Instagram story, she wrote: "Gonna love this char siew bao so much. Can't wait for Flynn and Austin to meet little Jude!"

Image via @ethneo Instagram

Image via @ethneo Instagram

Image via Jack Neo Facebook

Top images via JackNeoCK Facebook