Bangkok is hottest area in Thailand on Apr. 6, heat index shoots up to 50.2°C

Sweating already while writing this.

Daniel Seow| April 06, 2023, 06:54 PM

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While April is typically the hottest month of the year in Thailand, those traveling to Bangkok for a short getaway may find the temperatures even more sweltering than usual.

On Thursday (Apr. 6), Bangkok's heat index soared as high as 50.2°C, making it the hottest area in Thailand, according to the Thai Meteorological Department.

The heat index measures how hot the weather actually feels to the human body, based on humidity and temperature.

As such, the department classified Bangkok's current heat index as "Dangerous", under its four-level classification:

  • Surveillance level (Green): 27°C to 32°C
  • Warning level (Yellow): 32°C to 41°C
  • Dangerous level (Orange): 41°C to 54°C
  • Very dangerous level (Red): Over 54°C

On the department's website, Bangkok was shown to have a maximum daily temperature of 37°C on Apr. 6.

Screenshot of Thai Meteorological Department website.

To put things in context, Singapore's highest recorded temperature was 37°C, back in 1983.

That's hot as hell.

Other provinces in Thailand heating up too

Bangkok, located in the south-eastern Bang Na district, takes the spot for the hottest area in Thailand, but it's a close contest.

The second-hottest area, Chonburi, is not far behind at 49.4°C, followed by Phuket (47.9°C), Si Sa Ket (41.5°C) and Phetchabun (40.6°C).

The soaring temperatures are a result of a heatwave sweeping through Thailand, The Bangkok Post reported.

It added that the authorities have issued a health alert, particularly for outdoor workers, children, elderly and those with underlying ailments.

Thailand's permanent secretary for public health, Opas Karnkawinpong, also warned about the dangers of being exposed to temperatures of 41°C and above, as it could trigger cramps, spasms and even heat stroke, which could be fatal.

Thailand's hot season only increases such risks, as shown in how Thai politician Chonsawat Asavahame, 54, died last week after fainting from heatstroke.

Travellers feeling the heat

A recent traveller to Bangkok also commented in her Facebook post that the heat in Bangkok was "sweltering".

"Inasmuch as we love to walk, some hours are just a no-go," she added. Due to the heat, she opted for other forms of transportation.

Travellers to Bangkok are advised to drink plenty of water at regular intervals and avoid spending too much time outdoors.

Top image via Steven Wilcox on Unsplash.