Indonesian student has worn-out shoes, classmates chip in to buy him a new pair

True bros.

Keyla Supharta| March 15, 2023, 05:12 PM

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A group of middle school students (11 to 14 years) in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia raised funds to purchase a pair of new shoes for one of their classmates.

Their actions, recorded on a video uploaded on TikTok, has amassed 7.3 million views and 1.2 million likes at the time of writing.

Chip in money

The 26-second-video starts by showing a worn-out pair of shoes.

Image via @rfirzl_/TikTok.

It then transits to a piece of paper with a list of names and their donation amounts.

The money donated ranged from RP2,000 (S$0.20) to RP50,000(S$4).

The top of the list showed the target amount to purchase a pair of new shoes, which cost RP217,000 (S$19).

Bundles of cash can be seen stacked on the table top.

Image via @rfirzl_/TikTok.

The video ended with the classmate grinning ear to ear while holding a shoebox.

He was surrounded by his classmates who were celebrating with him and giving him high fives.

Image via @rfirzl_/TikTok.

Image via @rfirz_/TikTok.

Touched many netizens

The interaction has touched the hearts of many netizens.

One user said they were trying to hold back tears in a crowded place.

Another said this is the highest level of friendship.

Top image via TikTok.

The classmates also received praise from the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, who said they were "role models."

One TikTok user encouraged the class not to stop being kind people, while wishing good health to everyone.

In response, the uploader of the TikTok video shared his class TikTok account which can be viewed here.

Top image via TikTok.

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Top image via @rfirzl_/TikTok.