Students redesign Yuhua Secondary School canteen to look like cafe with plants & foosball

Turns out students like having a lot of plants.

Matthias Ang| February 18, 2023, 04:38 PM

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In 2022, the students of Yuhua Secondary School were provided with an opportunity to give their recommendations on how to redesign their canteen.

The result? A canteen that looks like a hipster cafe decorated with plants and a foosball table.

Source: Photo via Yuhua Secondary School/Facebook

Source: Photo via Yuhua Secondary School/Facebook

Photos of the new canteen were uploaded by Yuhua Secondary School to its Facebook page on Feb. 16.

Students formed their own taskforce to design the canteen

According to the post, the students were able to give their views on what they wished the canteen would look like during a school forum.

A group of students then formed their own taskforce to design what they would like to have in the new space.

The school highlighted that this included "lush greenery" to create an overall atmosphere of positive vibes, with the canteen being rebranded as Cafe@Yuhua/ YH Cafe.

Here are more photos of the new canteen:

Source: Photo via Yuhua Secondary School/Facebook

Source: Photo via Yuhua Secondary School/Facebook

Source: Photo via Yuhua Secondary School/Facebook

Source: Photo via Yuhua Secondary School/Facebook

Source: Photo via Yuhua Secondary School/Facebook

Source: Photo via Yuhua Secondary School/Facebook

Source: Photo via Yuhua Secondary School/Facebook

Source: Photo via Yuhua Secondary School/Facebook

Source: Photo via Yuhua Secondary School/Facebook


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