Woman in China with degree shows family she can buy car & house just by selling mantou for 3 years

Her family had felt her job was embarrassing.

Matthias Ang| December 08, 2022, 03:59 PM

A woman in Yantai, Shandong province, has gone viral on China's social media platform Douyin, after a video of her success from selling mantou in the shape of colourful figurines for three years was shared online by a Chinese media outlet.

Family felt her job was embarrassing

According to Liao Shen Wan Bao, the woman had decided to sell mantou upon returning home after graduation.

However, she faced objections from her family who felt her job was embarrassing given her status as a university graduate.

Her family pointed out that the children of other families had started working in office jobs and that her decision to sell mantou was embarrassing, she added.

Screenshot via xihexi6688/Douyin

Screenshot via xihexi6688/Douyin

Was able to buy her own house and car after three years

The woman said she did not think it was necessary to compare with other people and that she enjoyed her job of making mantou.

She added that in three years, she was able to buy her own house and car.

Her relatives who mocked her have also since expressed their interest in having their children learn how to make mantou from her, she said.

Learned how to make mantou from her grandmother

The woman subsequently uploaded another video on her own Douyin profile in which she thanked the messages of support she received in the wake of Liao Shen Wan Bao's video.

She noted scepticism in some of the messages she received, about how she was able to make enough money to buy her own house and car just by selling mantou.

The woman acknowledged that not every career was lucrative, but said she believed that as long as one diligently delved into their job, they will be able to reap success.

How did she become interested in making mantou?

As for how she developed her passion for mantou, the woman shared in another video that her grandmother used to make the snack in various shapes and sizes for her when she was young, which sparked her interest.

She added, "My grandmother used to always tell me that the food we eat must not just look good and taste good, but more importantly, also be healthy. I have always remembered this in my heart."

Screenshot via xihexi6688/Douyin

Screenshot via xihexi6688/Douyin

Top screenshots via xihexi6688/Douyin