BMW runs red light & hits PAB along Sembawang Road, driver, 32, arrested for suspected drink driving

The driver and a 31-year-old male PAB user were both conscious when conveyed to the hospital.

Nigel Chua| October 26, 2022, 01:34 PM

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A 32-year-old male driver has been arrested for suspected drink driving after an accident along Sembawang Road late on Oct. 25.

Footage of the accident circulating online shows a silver car running a red light and colliding into a PAB.

According to the caption of the videos posted online, the car involved was supposedly a BMW.

The PAB appeared to be carrying a black rectangular bag with reflective strips, commonly used by food delivery riders.

What happened

The footage was recorded by a vehicle travelling north along Sembawang Road, in the same direction as the silver car.

The PAB rider begins to cross Sembawang Road at the pedestrian crossing, with the lights already red for oncoming traffic.

However, the car drives ahead into the junction, despite the red light and oncoming traffic from the right side.

The car appears to brake just before knocking down the PAB and its rider.

GIF via SG Road Vigilante on YouTube.

A motorcyclist moves closer to the vehicles, presumably to help the PAB rider.

The video cuts off shortly after.

Police told Mothership that they were alerted to the accident on Oct. 26 at 12:05am, while SCDF said it conveyed two persons to Khoo Teck Puat Puat Hospital.

Both men conveyed conscious to hospital

The police added that the 32-year-old male driver and a 31-year-old male PAB user were conscious while being conveyed to the hospital.

The 32-year-old male driver was subsequently arrested for suspected drink driving.

Police investigations are ongoing.

Top image via SG Road Vigilante on YouTube