Thai cafe to stop selling drinks in phallic bags due to 'many sensitive issues'


Zhangxin Zheng| May 26, 2022, 05:22 PM

A small cafe in southern Thailand has garnered public attention with their drinks.

More specifically, for how they bag drinks such as Thai milk tea, green tea and soda.

via ชาดีน ชานมเหนียว สาขาแยกลำไพล/Facebook.

Photos of these phallic bags of drinks had caused quite a stir.

According to The Thaiger, the cafe had shared the post with this caption.

“Don’t stare at it for too long! You won’t be able to bear it! Please, don’t be too serious. Let’s have a laugh. When you have our drinks in hand… everyone will stare at you!”

via ชาดีน ชานมเหนียว สาขาแยกลำไพล/Facebook.

via ชาดีน ชานมเหนียว สาขาแยกลำไพล/Facebook.

However, the shop took the post down after it went viral, garnering close to 30,000 shares.

It also announced that it will discontinue the sale of drinks in the phallic bags as "it involves many sensitive issues", The Thaiger reported.

Here's a translation of their full statement:

“We have to apologise to all customers. We will not sell the [penis] bag anymore. It involves many sensitive issues. Thank you everyone for all your interest and support.”

Top image via ชาดีน ชานมเหนียว สาขาแยกลำไพล/Facebook.