HDB resident accused of turning off power repeatedly to get back at smoking neighbour

The two men could not agree on how many times the power source had been cut off.

Mandy How| October 06, 2021, 05:26 PM

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A video of an altercation along the corridor of a HDB block of flats is making rounds online.

The two-minute clip was uploaded to Facebook by one Joanna Pay on Oct. 5.

A resident of a HDB unit, who is also Pay's uncle and the one filming, is accusing a neighbour of switching off his house's main power source, likely via a power box along the common corridor.

According to Pay, the neighbour had allegedly done so to get back at her uncle, as he has been smoking in his unit.

The sudden electrical outages have apparently resulted in damage to electrical appliances, such as the refrigerator, washing machine, and television set inside the uncle's house.

Filmed and put online

Pay's uncle can be heard hurling accusations at his neighbour in dialect while filming the process.

The neighbour is accused of shutting the power source more than 10 times.

"I only shut it twice," the neighbour replied nonchalantly.

Pay's uncle said: "Twice? More than 10 times already ok, what two times. How are you going to pay for my losses? You very guai lan orh! You tell the police, don't tell me."

"You keep smoking mah," the neighbour replied.

Pay's uncle responded: "I smoke? The police never say [it's] wrong, what's wrong with smoking at home?!"

The neighbour calmly said that he has spoken nicely to the resident about the issue, but to no avail.

After a short back and forth in which the neighbour denied the number of times he has shut the power box, Pay's uncle ranted that three of his appliances, which were bought less than a year ago, are now spoilt.

The video does not show concrete proof of this, however.

Pay's uncle added that he had spend a few months wanting to catch the culprit who had been meddling with his power mains.

Subsequently, Pay's uncle said: "If you pay for all my losses, I'll let the matter go, won't tell the police."

Towards the end of the clip, the situation degenerated into agitated yelling from Pay's uncle: "This is the government's property, you cannot touch! Doesn't matter a even if it's not spoilt! Can I shut your electricity?!"

The video ended with the promise of a police visit for the neighbour, whose tone had changed from denial to wanting to let the matter rest within two minutes.

The neighbour remained quite mild-mannered as he shuffled home.

At time of writing, Pay's post has attracted some 47,000 views and 1,800 shares.

Top image via Joanna Pay/Facebook