Dad of 2 who’s a terrible cook tried 5 viral TikTok food hacks so his kids won’t be hungry again

Everything with cheese.

Sponsored| September 19, 2021, 11:04 AM

I suck at cooking.

There, I said it.

But in the name of happy, satisfied, well fed kids (and quality sponsored content), this Gen Y dad of two decided to venture into the Gen Z minefield called TikTok in search of legendary (read: easy to make) food hacks that feature plenty of cheese.

Because cheese makes everything perfect.

Breakfast sandwich


2 eggs

2 slices of white bread

2 slices of sliced cheese

2 slices of ham (because I don’t have any bacon with me)

Some butter


1. Beat the eggs (not yourself)

2. Heat up pan and throw butter in it

3. Place hand over (not in, just in case) pan to feel the heat

4. Once you are satisfied, pour eggs in

5. Pause and appreciate the sizzle for a second

6. Do not appreciate too long, you are not cooking an omelette

7. Throw in bread on top of the eggs

8. Now for the exciting part: flip both buddies over

9. Take a breather because flipping ain’t easy

10. Throw in the sliced cheese. A slice on each bread

11.Throw in the ham

12. Watch the cheese melt

13. Let both slices of bread meet.

14. Put it on a plate, cut and enjoy

1 bite, 5 words review: How can this go wrong?

Yes, it’s almost impossible to screw this one up because just look at the ingredients; all the usual suspects for a breakfast for champions. So what’s not to like?

The only thing that I’d improve is to throw in one more egg as mine didn’t wrap the bread like how the one in the TikTok video did.

But still, it’s a pat on my back for a job (easy) well done.

Grilled cheese roll-ups


5 slices of bread (really depends on how much you want to eat)

Half a block of cheddar cheese (for five slices of bread)

Some butter


1. Remove the boring parts of the bread

2. Grate the cheddar

3. Take a breather because grating is cardio

4. Heat pan and melt butter

5. Flatten the bread (recipe says use a roller but who needs a roller when it is just soft, 6. fluffy white bread? Just use your hands and press lah. What roller?)

6. Put shredded cheese on bread. C’mon be generous with the calcium and Vitamin D

7. Roll bread like popiah but in the end looks like spring roll

8. Use melted butter to try to stick the end (doesn’t work for me though)

9. Coat bread with melted butter (here’s a hack within a hack: spread melted butter out on surface and place bread on it)

10. Fry it over medium heat

11. Make sure it is evenly cooked (feat. chopsticks because Asian)

12. Put on plate or put in mouth straight

13. Enjoy

1 bite, 5 words review: Grating cheese is so satisfying

To be honest, I didn’t know grating cheese could be so strangely cathartic. It’s like sharpening pencils and then eating the shavings.

Ok, that sounds wrong.

Anyway, with just three ingredients, this is probably the easiest food to make on this list. One word of caution though: one stick feels light but is actually one whole slice of bread (it also doesn’t make a lot of sense to do the prep work if you just do two rolls). So if you are watching your diet, you’ve got to be careful there.

Cheese ramen


1 packet of Korean ramen

2 slices of cheese

1 egg (optional)

Some sriracha sauce

A cup of milk

Some butter


1. Cook the ramen like a real Asian that you are

2. Heat the pan and throw in the butter

3. Pour the milk in

4. Spend some time being mesmerised by the bubbling

5. Throw in the cheese

6. Then the sriracha sauce

7. Stir, stir, stir

8. Your ramen should be done. Throw it into the pan

9. Mix, mix, mix

10. Plate, plate, plate

11. Eat, eat, eat

1 bite, 5 words review: Damn dry, cheese saves day

The thing about Tiktok food hacks is that they don’t give you the exact measurements. So, I had to conjure up my feelings for this one, which in all honesty, doesn’t come too easy for me because I’ve been told I’m quite dense.

That explains why my noodles were as dry as the Sahara (perhaps I shouldn’t have added the egg). If you want to try this, I suggest you use more milk (or drop the egg).

But you know what, everything with cheese is bliss. I’d have to say the sliced cheese did a hard carry of the team for this one.

Korean cheese corn


1 can of Corn

2 tablespoons of mayo

2 sticks of butter


Sugar (omitted because war against diabetes)

½ block of grated cheddar cheese


1. Drain corn water

2. Throw in mayo

3. Throw in pepper

4. Throw in sugar (if you want)

5. Throw in butter

6. Mix, mix, mix

7. Heat up pan with high heat

8. Pour entire mixture into pan

9. Admire how the corn swim

10. Let it sizzle

11. Once a bit drier, turn up the cheese factor

12. More

13. Serve and dig in. Look at all the calcium.

1 bite, 5 words review: Like cup corn with cheese.

Disclaimer: My kids never enjoyed corn that much but they loved this one.

No, it’s not because of my cooking. All credits go to the mountain of creamy, yummy goodness called cheese.

Also, you might want to go easy on the butter. Mine turned out to be a tad oily and salty.

Mac & cheese in a mug



Grated cheddar cheese

Cream (but i used milk)



1. Take three handfuls of macaroni (for two ravenous kids) put it in bowl

2. Pour water in bowl

3. Pop it in microwave

4. Turn up the high heat for eight to 10 minutes (depends on your microwave, you can always pause and check whether the pasta is al dente)

5. Check in once in a while

6. Pour just a little bit of milk (depends on your feeling)

7. Grated cheddar cheese time. Oooohh Vitamin D, here I come.

8. Mix, mix, mix

9. Enjoy

1 bite, 5 words review: Easy, peasy, cheesy, cheesy. Haha.

If you think the four hacks above are easy, then I’m quite sure you can do this in your sleep.

It’s also hard to go wrong with good ol’ mac and cheese. Just a note of caution: I poured too much milk and it looked like mac and cereal. A better ingredient would be cream but putting on pants just to head out to buy cream is a bridge too far for me.


These hacks are really easy to do but the job is made easier with the help of Kraft Dairylea cheese.

And in case you missed it, it has a new packaging. The packaging changes are minimal but you can now see the “new look” sun at the top left corner.

Guess you can say that they have moved on to greener pastures.

It’s a new look, but one can expect the same great taste from Kraft Dairylea.

Also, Kraft Dairylea is a good source of calcium and Vitamin D.

Get your Kraft Dairylea Singles and Kraft Dairylea Cheddar at all major supermarkets today.

This is a sponsored post by Kraft Dairylea. Duh.