Canadian diver receives 0.0 score after misstep on the diving board, falling feet first into water

Her last-minute bailout saw the medal hopeful knocked out in the semi-finals.

Andrew Koay| August 03, 2021, 03:10 PM

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Making a very public mistake is never fun, as 28-year-old Pamela Ware found out in brutal fashion during the semi-finals of her three-metre springboard semifinal dive at the Tokyo Olympics.

The Canadian diver had the misfortune of misstepping while making her approach, causing her to stumble at the last minute.

Alas, the bailout came too late and was not enough to stop Ware from plunging feet first into the water.

Gif via @Davos2004's Twitter account

The botched attempt ended up leaving Ware with a score of 0.0 and ruing what could have been.

According to The Independent, Ware had been a pre-games medal hopeful and was attempting what a commentator had described as the "most difficult dive of the competition".

"This dive could be spectacular," said the other commentator.

Mistake could have happened to anyone

In the immediate aftermath of her exit from the competition, the shell-shocked 28-year-old laughed off the mistake when interviewed by CBC; "well, I jumped in the pool," she said.

"Honestly, I think I'm still in shock right now. I'm kind of emotionless, which is really weird for me because I usually act on my emotions really quickly. But I think that if I would have done the dive, I could have possibly hurt myself."

Ware later took to Instagram — in a more sober mood — to thank her supporters for their messages of comfort.

"I am very proud of myself," she said, visibly emotional.

"It's been really difficult. What you guys see in the competition is just a tiny factor of what we actually do to get to where we are."

"I was so ready for this competition, and I made a mistake," she said, adding that "it could have happened to anybody, but it happened to me at the wrong time".

Yet, far from shirking from the spotlight, Ware was defiant promising not the give up.

"I hope you guys are going to get used to having me around because I’m not going anywhere," she said.

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Top image from Pamela Ware's Instagram and via @Davos2004's Twitter account