6 turkeys spotted strolling around Serangoon North

Thanksgiving came early.

Sulaiman Daud| July 14, 2021, 04:27 PM

A group of turkeys is known as a "rafter", apparently from the fact that turkeys would fly up to the rafters of a barn and roost there.

This information will come in handy if you happen to spot the turkeys calmly strutting around a neighbourhood in Serangoon North.

Mothership contributor shared that she encountered the large birds when she was in the area.

She said her mother was quite surprised by the sight, and they just had to take a few photos.

Pic from a Mothership contributor.

Turkeys are native to North America and aren't usually seen in the wild in Singapore.

They are also not known as migratory birds, which means these fellows either escaped from somewhere else in Singapore, or belong to someone as pets.

According to NParks, under the Wildlife Act, Singaporeans can keep birds as pets except for some kinds like crows, mynas and feral pigeons, and those counted as protected species. Turkeys are not included in either list.

However, there are certain conditions by which an owner needs to abide, so take a look before you decide to amass a mighty turkey army of your own.

Photo from a Mothership contributor.

Top image from a Mothership contributor.