Jollibee customer in the Philippines served fully-battered fried towel


Nigel Chua| June 03, 2021, 12:27 AM

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The next time an inedible object somehow finds its way into your platter of food, perhaps you can be grateful that it's not an entire towel, battered and deep-fried, masquerading as a piece of fried chicken.

A woman in the Philippines had just that experience when the Jollibee meal she ordered for her son arrived with a special surprise.

The woman, Facebook user Alique Perez, posted a series of photos and videos of the clothy specimen on Jun. 1.

Deep-fried towel could not be sliced with a knife

Initially unaware that the fried chunk was actually fabric and not flesh, Perez wrote that she tried to slice it so she could feed her son.

However, she soon found that it was "super hard to even slice".

She then pulled it apart with her hands and found, to her surprise, a deep fried towel.

Photo by Alique Perez on Facebook.

Looked just like a piece of chicken

"Chicken, looks like a normal chicken..." said Perez, as she exhibited the piece on camera, showing that from a certain angle, it looked just like a piece of Chickenjoy — the product name used by the international fast food chain for their famous fried poultry.

Could be an extra-large breast piece. Screenshot via video by Alique Perez on Facebook.

As it turned out, the golden-brown chunk was anything but Chickenjoy.

"Worst experience ever," said Perez in another video.

"It's not chicken, it's a towel," she commented, as she zoomed in to show the light green towel beneath the layer of fried batter.

GIF from video by Alique Perez on Facebook.

What appears to be a video from an Instagram story shows two people pulling the entire piece apart, and revealing that it was indeed a towel, with no chicken within.

GIF from video by Alique Perez on Facebook.

"Before they took the Toweljoy we just had to check..." says the caption.

Food safety concerns

Perez raised some food safety concerns in her post as well.

"Now I can't even think of the other chickenjoys na kasama (that were included) while frying this," she wrote, saying that "the essence of the towel" would have contaminated the oil in which it was fried, as well as the batter in which it was coated.

She ended her post on an ominous note: "How many chickenjoys are affected? We won't know..."

You can see her post here:

Top image via Alique Perez on Facebook