Jamie Chua as mum of 2: 'Not acceptable' for privileged children to behave in entitled & elitist manner

Parenting philosophies.

Mandy How| May 08, 2021, 05:27 PM

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Singaporean socialite Jamie Chua may be better known for her Birkins than her children, so it may come as a surprise to some that the fresh-faced 46-year-old is actually a mother of two.

Cleveland Cuaca, 26, and Calista Cuaca, 23, were born to Chua and Indonesian tycoon Nurdian Cuaca,  although the couple has since split in a high-profile divorce.

The proceedings in 2010 was thrust under the spotlight when Chua asked for almost half a million in monthly alimony.

While the final terms remain undisclosed even after the divorce finally concluded in end-2011, it was reported that Chua had emerged with an unspecified number of millions and properties.

And the children, of course.

Not spoiling the kids

When asked by Mothership about her biggest struggle in raising Cleveland and Calista, the socialite brought up her circumstance of being the "only parent" around the children.

This has apparently been the case even before the divorce, as Nurdian was "hardly around" in the children's early years, according to Chua.

Yet one cannot help but think how privileged Cleveland and Calista must be, if wealth could function as a balm for adolescence and your parents' very public divorce.

It's no secret that both children have been on the receiving end of a fair amount of extravagance — apartments, jewellery, car(s), you name it.

It was once reported that Cleveland had received a Range Rover valued at over S$270,000, while Calista was presented with Chanel handbags.

The apartments were gifted by their father, Chua clarified, saying that it was something she was "grateful" for.

Regardless, the mum is not too worried about spoiling Cleveland and Calista.

For one, Chua said, perhaps to compensate for the things that they lacked (such as growing up in a complete family), she feels compelled to provide her children with "the best things in life."

For another, Chua believes that she has taught them the value of money, and to respect it.

"Money doesn’t fall from the sky and if they desire anything frivolous, they have to work for it," she added.

On the jewellery that she purchased for Calista (including a S$300,000 heirloom that previously made headlines), Chua said that her 26-year-old is not a materialistic girl and "does not always ask me for many things."

"After all, she’s my only daughter and one day all that’s mine will be hers, if she’s a good girl," Chua added.

Parenting philosophies

However, the socialite, who comes from a humble background herself, acknowledges that being unprepared for certain realities in society is "for sure" a main concern, as she has seen how privileged children behave.

"It is not acceptable to me how some act like they are so entitled and behave in an elitist manner, just based on being given and not through hard work.

I stress on always being humble and working for what you want. I do have to admit that my children are very much sheltered from the harshness of the real world but that is just something they would have to learn and experience as they progress in life."

When it comes to parenting, Chua said that she tries to learn from the mistakes of her own parents, and hopes to impart only values that she wants to embody.

At the end of the day, Chua does not think that her children have been overly spoiled, as they’ve grown up to be "very humble adults with good manners and behaviour."

Other than that, there appears to be no pressure on Cleveland and Calista to succeed in the conventional sense — Chua's biggest wish for them is simply for them to be happy in whatever they do in their life.

As for how her children would describe her parenting stye, Chua pares it down to two words: totally unconventional.

One thing she would never do to her children, Chua told us, is to lock them out of the house, or into a small space as a disciplinary action.

It was something that Chua had gone through as a child, among other forms of punishment, that has "deeply traumatised" her.

Last word

As you might well know, another oft-discussed thing about Chua is her well-maintained figure, despite being in her 40s and having popped two children.

Chua's usual reaction to that?

"Probably born with good genes as I really hate to exercise. Please don’t hate me for that."

Top image via Jamie Chua's Instagram page