Some S$206,000 raised for family of late Myanmar domestic worker abused to death in S'pore

Public moved to give as the case is resumed before the courts.

Belmont Lay| March 04, 2021, 02:56 AM

People in Singapore and beyond have donated S$206,565.40 to the family of the late 24-year-old Myanmar domestic worker who was abused to death by her employers here in 2016.

Non-governmental organisation the Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (Home) said in a Facebook post on March 3, 2021 that it had received the money from 2,551 donors in six days.

Home had put together the fundraiser for members of the public to step forward to give to Piang Ngaih Don’s family back in Myanmar.

Home wrote in its post: "We assure that all your donations will reach the family. The entire funds received since the start of collection will be 100 per cent transferred to Ms. Phiang’s family."

However, the fundraiser has been halted with immediate effect.

The stated reason given by Home read: "As highlighted by our internal compliance and governance, we are required to stop receiving any further donations on behalf of Ms. Phiang’s family with immediate effect."

"We regret to inform you that we will not be able to receive any further donations."

"We will be working closely with Myanmar Club / Embassy to ensure the full amount reaches the family."

About the case

The 40-year old employer Gaiyathiri Murugayan and other family members abused Piang from 2015 to 2016 over nine months.

The domestic helper lost 15kg and only weighed 24kg when she died in July 2016.

The case is still before the courts.

Piang leaves behind a young son in Myanmar.