No need to check in at individual shops in same mall once TraceTogether-only check-ins start

Carrot: More convenient.

Jason Fan| February 02, 2021, 01:04 PM

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Soon, there will be no need to check-in via SafeEntry at individual stores within the same shopping mall.

A single check-in with either the TraceTogether app or token will suffice in the future, according to a written parliamentary reply by Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean on Monday (Feb. 1).

More than 20,000 venues ready to implement TraceTogether-only SafeEntry

According to Teo, SafeEntry is currently mandatory at venues that have high visitorship, or have high transmission risk.

The government intends to implement TraceTogether-only SafeEntry at these venues, which will require businesses to allow check-ins with either the TraceTogether app or token.

More than half of these 40,000 public-facing venues are estimated to have already begun accepting TraceTogether token check-ins, and are ready to implement TraceTogether-only SafeEntry, according to Teo.

Individuals still need to check-in to gyms and F&B outlets

The successful implementation of TraceTogether-only SafeEntry will also offer more carrots to members of the public.

"With the better TraceTogether coverage after the implementation of TraceTogether-only SafeEntry, we will also remove some existing SafeEntry check-ins to minimise public inconvenience," he said.

While an individual no longer needs to check-in to larger retail stores and supermarkets within a mall, they would still be required to check-in to gyms and F&B dine-in outlets, via TraceTogether-only SafeEntry.

This is because these establishments have a higher transmission risk, with individuals likely to be in close proximity for long periods, and where such individuals will legitimately remove their masks, explained Teo.

"We are working on potential solutions that would make it more convenient for public-facing businesses to enable the checking-in of TraceTogether tokens and TraceTogether-only SafeEntry. Details will be announced later," said Teo.

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