Myanmar woman dancing while armoured vehicles roll up behind her


Sulaiman Daud| February 02, 2021, 10:46 AM

On Feb. 1, the Myanmar military took control of the country after deposing the democratically-elected government of the National League for Democracy, and detaining the de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

But one woman's video might have captured the scene outside parliament just before it took place, while set to dance music.

A tweet by @VonKoutli went viral, showing a woman performing aerobics in front of a road with a barrier stretched across it.

Suddenly, a convoy of vehicles, including what looks like armoured vehicles in the rear, rolls up to the barrier all while she continues to dance.

The caption reads:

"A woman conducted her aerobics class in Myanmar without realising a coup was taking place. Behind her, a military convoy arrives at parliament."

Dance video

The video was apparently taken from the Facebook page of a woman named Khing Hnin Wai, which you can see at this link.

Uploaded on Feb. 1 at 4:30pm, it shows a woman, presumably Khing herself, clad in a lime green and black outfit and performing aerobics exercises.

Set to the beat of Indonesian hit song "Ampun Bang Jago", Khing dances on the spot for a while.

Screen shot from Khing Hnin Wai's Facebook page.

Suddenly, a fleet of black vehicles roll up on the right, headed for the barrier on the road.

Screenshot from Khing Hnin Wai's Facebook page.

Some have flashing sirens and at least two appear to be armoured vehicles. Unperturbed, Khing continues dancing.

As of 10am on Feb. 2, the video has garnered over 30,000 reactions and almost 10,000 shares on Facebook.

According to Buzzfeed News, the video was taken on a roundabout near Myanmar's parliament.

Khing later uploaded other exercise videos taken at the same location on Facebook.

Early-morning raid

CNA reported that NLD spokesperson Myo Nyunt, speaking to Reuters, said that the military had detained Aung San Suu Kyi, President Win Myint, and other leaders in an "early-morning raid" on Feb. 1.

Later the same day, the military removed 24 ministers and deputies from the government, and installed 11 new members.

The military pledged a "free and fair election" and handing over power to the winning party, although without giving a timeframe.

Aung San Suu Kyi has urged the Myanmar public not to accept this state of affairs and protest the coup.

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Top image from Khing Hnin Wai's Facebook page.