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One week ago, Google Pay launched the "Huat Pal" game, where users collect five characters through the payment platform for a chance to win up to S$88.88 in cashback.
The game lasts till Feb. 26, 2021.
Out of the five characters, BB Loh remains the most elusive.
Here's a rarity scale for context:
Anyway, Google has released some tips that will help your chances of getting a BB Loh.
1. Use up all your daily actions, where possible
We only have so many friends for referrals, but the rest of the actions, like gifting pals and paying businesses with the app, are slightly more doable.
This is quite commonsensical, but the putting the numbers here should help: if you complete all tasks (minus the referrals), you could get 12 huat pals a day.
And more pals means more chances to get BB Loh.
Here's a list of merchants using Google Pay, but it seems to be overseas-based.
There are popular sites among Singaporeans (Asos, Foodpanda, Zalora etc.) that offer Google Pay, but these do not give you huat pals (we checked with a spokesperson).
Also, Google Pay reduced the limit for the easiest task — transferring money to your friends. Boo.
However, the spokesperson has added that the number qualifying actions could change from day to day, so ¯ \_(ツ)_/¯
2. Pay for food and movies with the app
It's somewhat related to the first point of paying businesses, but this takes place on the app itself (as opposed to being at the physical store).
Under the "explore" section, you can purchase movie tickets, as well as food for pick-up.
The idea is to use the different in-app functions. Smells like Google's way of getting their users to become more dependent on the app.
3. Claim from YOUR OWN gift basket
I made the mistake of not doing so, after sharing the basket with a group of people who snapped up the gifts very. fast.
You can get red packets, huat pals, and vouchers from such baskets. Most poor sods will just get a Lenny though.
You can also continue to share and receive gift baskets after you've completed the main game.
How to get a gift basket? Ah Huat the pineapple drops it off randomly.
Bonus: Super Lenny
If you collect enough Lennys (some peg it at 50), it evolves into a Super Lenny. We're not sure what a Super Lenny does, though.
This article is sadly, not sponsored.
Top screenshots by Mandy How, Rachel Ng