TraceTogether check-ins 'not required' yet, retailers told not to implement it ahead of roll out

Not yet.

Lean Jinghui| January 15, 2021, 06:43 PM

There is no need for all businesses to implement TraceTogether-Only Safe Entry (ToS) yet

Only after all tokens are collected

In response to enquiries by Mothership, the Smart Nation and Digital Government Group (SNDGG) confirmed that all public venues do not need to implement ToS yet. 

Except for events or businesses that are included in the TT-only pilots, all other venues are not required to implement TraceTogether-Only SafeEntry (ToS) yet. 

They also confirmed that ToS would only be implemented after everyone had collected their tokens.

Token distribution is scheduled to begin again from mid-January.

ToS will only be implemented after everyone has had a chance to collect a Token in their constituencies, and a reasonable period of national distribution is achieved.

We will progressively reopen the distribution points in CCs that are currently closed, beginning from mid-January. Residents can check the TokenGoWhere website or the community notice boards for the latest updates before heading down to the collection points.

Businesses informed

According to SNDGG, retailers that have "mistakenly implemented ToS ahead of the roll out" have been informed to cease ToS for now.

SNDGG is working with these businesses to implement the Token-scanning mode as an additional alternative for Safe Entry check-in.

For select venues involved in the ToS pilot, such as cinemas, selected places of worship, live performances, and MICE events, the use of IDs like NRICs is permitted at the moment. 

More details on the full roll-out will be shared at a later date.

Top image via, Unsplash