VJC students build ridiculously detailed campus on Minecraft, that took over 1,000 hours, for virtual open house

Game on.

Lean Jinghui| January 08, 2021, 07:18 PM

With the pandemic, many large-scale events have been cancelled.

This includes open houses and orientation programmes for tertiary institutions.

As part of its annual open house event, Victoria Junior College has created a 64-bit version of its entire campus on Minecraft, so new students can continue to explore its campus.


Over 1,000 hours spent

The mega-project is the result of over 1,000 hours, involving 10 builders from both the Student Council and other non-Councilors. They were also joined by a supervising teacher from the Students' Council.

The team began their project right after the exams, with support and supervision from school teachers.

As an exact replica of the campus, the Minecraft tour allows people to "walk freely" within the school, and explore the campus at their own pace.

To encourage interaction, it allows visitors to "meet" one another inside the 3D world.

Image via Victoria Junior College

"Representation of school effort"

Speaking to Mothership, the builders emphasise that the Minecraft world is just "one part" of the open house, and represents a collective effort put in by the school's community:

"We feel that it’s important to acknowledge that Minecraft is simply one part of our Open House, we would also like to mention that this Minecraft world is a part of a bigger picture.

It’s a representation of an entire school effort, which is only able to happen because of the collective effort put in by the whole community in VJ, including staff, teachers, every CCA leader, StudioV, Robotics Makers Club and many other people in the Victorian community."

They also acknowledged the contributions of those who did not build the replica, but still shared it on Instagram, tagged various outlets and generally supported the project.

Minecraft gamers can opt to join the server and download the texture pack here.

Here's the full guided tour:

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Top image courtesy of Victoria Junior College