35 imported Covid-19 cases on Jan. 3, including cargo pilot from US & parent from India visiting S'porean child

There are no new locally-transmitted cases today.

Ashley Tan| January 03, 2021, 11:03 PM

The Ministry of Health (MOH) has preliminarily confirmed 35 new cases of Covid-19 in Singapore on Jan. 3, 2021.

This brings the total number of cases to 58,697.

There are no new locally-transmitted cases today.

All 35 cases are imported and were already placed on Stay-Home Notice (SHN) or isolated upon arrival in Singapore.

35 imported cases

Amongst the 35 imported cases,

  • One (Case 58928) is a Singaporean and five (Cases 58925, 58926, 58927, 58929 and 58930) are Singapore Permanent Residents who returned from the UK, India and Indonesia.
  • 10 (Cases 58913, 58917, 58919, 58920, 58921, 58941, 58942, 58943, 58946 and 58947) are Dependant’s Pass holders who arrived from India and UAE.
  • One (Case 58934) is a Long-Term Visit Pass holder who arrived from India.
  • Four (Cases 58914, 58915, 58918 and 58933) are Work Pass holders who arrived from Russia, India, Japan and Maldives.
  • 12 are Work Permit holders who arrived from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Malaysia, of whom seven (Cases 58932, 58935, 58936, 58937, 58938, 58939 and 58940) are foreign domestic workers.
  • Two (Cases 58944 and 58945) are Short-Term Visit Pass holders. Case 58944 arrived from India to visit his Singaporean child.

Case 58945, one of the Short-Term Visit Pass holders, is a cargo pilot who arrived from the U.S. via Australia.

He was isolated upon arrival in Singapore, and was conveyed directly to the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) where he was tested and confirmed to have Covid-19 infection.

His serological test result has come back positive.

All 35 imported cases had already been placed on SHN or isolated upon arrival in Singapore and were tested while serving SHN or under isolation.

1 imported case, a ship crew, did not declare symptoms early

Case 58948 is a ship crew who had boarded a vessel on Mar. 4, 2020 in Indonesia.

He developed a fever on Dec. 23 but had self-medicated.

On Dec. 31, he was placed on quarantine as he had been identified as a close contact of a previously reported case (Case 58812) who is a crew member of the same vessel.

Case 58948 failed to declare his symptoms until Jan. 2 2021. He consulted a doctor via video-consultation on the same day, and was subsequently conveyed to NCID where he tested positive for Covid-19.

Prior to that, he had not disembarked from the vessel. All the remaining crew members of the vessel have been placed on quarantine.

11 cases discharged

11 more cases of Covid-19 infection have been discharged from hospitals or community isolation facilities.

In all, 58,487 have fully recovered from the infection and have been discharged from hospitals or community care facilities.

There are currently 64 confirmed cases who are still in hospital. Of these, most are stable or improving, and 1 is in critical condition in the intensive care unit.

117 are isolated and cared for at community facilities. These are those who have mild symptoms, or are clinically well but still test positive for Covid-19.

29 have passed away from complications due to Covid-19 infection.

No new locations

MOH regularly updates a list of public places visited by confirmed Covid-19 cases for more than 30 minutes when they were infectious.

Here's the complete list of locations visited by cases in the community during their infectious period:

Top photo from LTA / FB