Couple who took MRT to their wedding reminisce about their train ride 28 years later

Where their journey of marriage began.

Zhangxin Zheng| January 30, 2021, 01:29 PM

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A married couple recently reenacted the scene of them taking the MRT train to their wedding.

This snapshot of a personal memory was shared at the new exhibition by the National Museum of Singapore, along with other personal nostalgic moments shared by fellow Singaporeans.

Photo via National Museum of Singapore's Facebook, by SPH.

Couple took the MRT ride with their loved ones to wedding venue

In a pretty unconventional manner, the married couple dressed in their finest rode the MRT train to get to the church for their wedding with their friends and families back in 1987.

Back then, the construction of the MRT system had just begun.

28 years later, the couple took a similar photo again with the man holding a small bouquet.

The photo was published in the Straits Times on August 9, 2015 to commemorate SG 50.

Photo via National Museum of Singapore's Facebook, by SPH.

The photos were shared by the National Museum yesterday and it was well-received.

The post evoked memories of taking MRT for the first time for some, here's the full post:Sweet.

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Images via National Museum of Singapore/Facebook