Bishan resident puts up notice requesting owner of 'small, short & sad' used condom to bring it home


Syahindah Ishak| January 13, 2021, 08:05 PM

A resident in Bishan has put up several notices for a "lost-and-found" item.

"Small, short and sad"

The item in question is a "small, short and sad" used condom.

According to Stomp, the notices were put up on Tuesday (Jan. 12) at Block 177 Bishan Street 13.

Screenshot from Google Streetview.

They were pasted on the walls at lift lobbies from the seventh to the eleventh floor.

The notice stated:

"May the owner of this small, short and sad used condom please come bring it home. Also, remember that high rise littering is a crime! If you don't know how to use and throw properly then don't have sex (and please don't reproduce). Seriously, be a decent human being and throw it away normally."

Here it is:

Photo from Stomp.

For inclusivity, there's also one in Mandarin:

Photo from Stomp.

Most likely discarded from a floor above

The notices included a photo of the used condom.

It looks like the condom landed on an air-conditioner compressor after it was presumably discarded from a floor above.

A resident who came across the notices told Stomp that this was the first time she had seen a notice of such nature.

Usually, she added, the notices found around the block are related to lost pets.

She also said that the notices were still up when she left her house at 12:30pm on Jan. 13.

Other stories involving used condom

Top images via Stomp.