Phase 3 starts Dec. 28, 2020: Here's what you need to know


Fasiha Nazren| December 27, 2020, 12:30 PM

Singapore will be entering Phase 3 of the post-circuit breaker from tomorrow, Dec. 28, 2020.

Here's what Phase 3 entails:

Social gatherings of up to eight pax

Social gatherings of up to eight persons will be allowed.

This is an increase from the current limit of five persons.

Households may also receive up to eight visitors at any point in time.

Sports activities involving up to eight persons will also be allowed.

However, to reduce the likelihood of spread, Singapore residents should continue to limit their social circle to a small group of regular contacts.

Increase of capacity limits at malls and attractions

The Multi-Ministry Taskforce (MTF) will also gradually increase the capacity limits of premises.

For malls and large standalone stores, the capacity limit will increase from 10 square metres per person to eight square metres per person.

Attractions may also start applying to the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) to increase their operating capacity from 50 per cent up to 65 per cent.

Measures must continue to be put in place to prevent crowding in popular areas.

Up to 250 persons in congregational and worship services

Since Oct. 3, Religious Organisations (ROs) have been piloting increases in congregational and other worship services to up to 250 persons and allowance of live music for congregational and other worship services.

The pilot has shown that the ROs were able to enforce safe management measures such as ensuring clear segregation between zones and minimising intermingling between groups of up to five persons.

Hence, the MTF will also allow ROs to increase their capacity for congregational and other worship services to up to 250 persons, in zones of up to 50 persons each for congregational services.

Congregational and other worship services such as religious rites or prayers conducted at places of worship may involve live performance elements with the necessary safe management measures in place.

Up to 10 persons will be allowed to unmask at any given time.

Of the 10, up to five persons will be allowed to unmask for singing.

Worshippers and those involved in live performance elements are to be spaced at least three metres apart.

Up to eight visitors for marriage solemnisations at home

Currently, a total of 10 persons (including members of the hosting household, excluding the solemniser and vendors) are allowed for marriage solemnisations held in the home.

In Phase 3, a household can invite up to eight visitors for marriage solemnisation held in the home.

This excludes members of the hosting household, the solemniser and vendors.

Marriage solemnisations (in indoor venues only), funerals and funerary-related activities will also be allowed to have live instrumental music (except for wind instruments) with the necessary safe management measures in place.

Up to 250 persons for indoor live performances

Live performances in the Arts and Culture sector have been allowed to resume since Nov. 1, 2020.

Some venues have also been piloting larger-scale performances of up to 250 persons and outdoor performances of up to 100 persons.

Indoor live performances of up to 250 persons in zones of 50 persons each will be allowed.

The MTF will also be expanding outdoor live performance pilots to 250 persons in zones of up to 50 persons each, to ensure that ventures are still able to safely manage larger outdoor performances and mitigate the gathering of peripheral crowds.

More activities could resume if situation remains stable

The MTF will continue to conduct pilots in some higher-risk activities and settings such busking and live performances in outdoor venues, karaoke and nightlife, which will allow the MTF to assess how these activities can take place and scale-up safely.

If the local Covid-19 situation remains stable and the MTF is able to deploy more of their enablers to allow more activities to resume safely, the MTF will consider allowing further resumption of activities over the course of Phase 3.

TraceTogether-only SafeEntry to be implemented early next year

TraceTogether-only SafeEntry, where the TraceTogether app or token is required for SafeEntry check-ins, will only be implemented as the exclusive mode of entry early next year, after everyone who wants a token has had a chance to collect one at a community club/centre in their constituency.

Until then, visitors can still perform SafeEntry check-in via the following:

  • TraceTogether app
  • SingPass Mobile
  • QR reader apps
  • Identity cards such as NRIC, Pioneer or Merdeka Generation cards

Singapore has reached the 70 per cent mark for TraceTogether usage, which had been set as a condition for Phase 3.

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Top image by Zheng Zhangxin