Japanese harvests radish with willy, slices it off for fertiliser

Enthralled by its girth.

Matthias Ang| December 07, 2020, 10:09 PM

A Japanese person has created a stir on Twitter after he harvested a radish with protruding bit that looked like a male appendage.

On Dec. 2, Twitter user @KfTzR_Towser put up several images of the radish in question with the caption: "I harvested a splendidly manly radish."

In case you can't see the photos demonstrating its heftiness:

Source: Photo from @KfTzR_Towser Twitter

Source: Photo from @KfTzR_Towser Twitter

Source: Photo from @KfTzR_Towser Twitter

Slicing the appendage off

This was then followed by a second tweet with the caption: "!!【閲覧注意】‼️ (Viewer Warning)" and two photos, showing a scissors against the protruding bit in one, and a knife in the other.

Source: Photo from @KfTzR_Towser Twitter

Source: Photo from @KfTzR_Towser Twitter

A grayed-out image of the appendage, cleanly sliced off from the main body, was then shown with the caption, "There is no way of cooking this deliciously."

Source: Photo from @KfTzR_Towser Twitter

To be used as fertiliser

A subsequent tweet revealed that the sliced off part would be used as fertiliser, while the rest of the radish has also been cut and dried.

The radish's appendage also appeared to have impressed @KfTzR_Towser, given that he gushed over its magnificent girth in another tweet.


"It's too big...!

It's too splendid...!"

Responses: Photos of naughty-looking vegetables

In response to @KfTzR_Towser's initial tweet, many Japanese netizens responded with their own photos of various vegetables.

Some showed carrots.

Others showed mushrooms.

Even a persimmon had its moment.

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Top image collage from @KfTzR_Towser Twitter