Man in Taiwan forced to sell PS5 after wife discovers it was not an air purifier


Julia Yeo| November 28, 2020, 11:58 AM


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The PlayStation 5 (PS5) was officially launched on Nov. 12, 2020 in a select few countries including Singapore, and was released in the rest of the world on Nov. 19, 2020, excluding Indonesia, China, and South America.

The PS5's sales were met with overwhelming success, with fans all over the world trying to get their hands on it, due to the limited stock at launch.

Taiwan man sold PS5 off after wife found out it wasn't an air purifier

A man from Taiwan shared his encounter with a PS5 reseller in a Facebook post on Saturday, Nov. 21, 2020.According to Jin Wu, he was purchasing a PS5 console from a reseller on Friday, Nov. 20, and was meeting up with them in person.

He decided to call the seller as he had arrived at the agreed meet-up location earlier than planned.

Wu heard a female voice on the receiving end, and commented that the person did not really sound like someone who regularly played games.

He added that the PS5 he was buying was the cheapest he could find on the marketplace that day, but the person sounded very eager to sell off the console, for some reason.

"When the seller arrived, it turned out to be a middle-aged man. You could tell that he definitely played video games, just with a single look," Wu wrote.

While inspecting the contents of the package, Wu struck up a conversation with the seller.

"Where did you buy this console?"

"Pchome (a major online marketplace in Taiwan)."

"Oh, you're really quick at reserving the console. Did you manage to reserve two consoles? If not, why are you selling this?"

The man paused for two seconds before responding:

"It's my wife who wants to sell it..."

"I went silent after seeing the look in his eyes. I could feel his pain," Wu wrote.

"Seems like women can still tell the difference between a PS5 console and an air purifier."

Many Facebook users commented that Wu's encounter was reminiscent of a viral South Korean cartoon by YouTuber JangBijju.

The cartoon depicted a man who tried to fool his wife into believing that the PlayStation console was a router named "Plash Speed".

When the PS5's look was first released, some online users did compare the PS5's uncanny resemblance to other devices, including an air purifier.


Top image via Jin Wu/Facebook, bishutoyaju/Twitter