BreadTalk at Eastpoint Mall discards bread after pigeon flies up close to display

The incident occurred three weeks ago.

Belmont Lay| November 05, 2020, 11:24 PM

Humans like eating bread and so do birds because a pigeon was caught on video lustily eyeing BreadTalk bread from outside the covered display.

The incident occurred at the Eastpoint Mall outlet in Simei.

As seen from the video, the pigeon was strutting on the low shelf display with transparent covers, but it did not appear to have made contact with the bread.

It could be seen pecking on the shelf and flapping its wings before flying to the ground.

Bread discarded

According to BreadTalk, the incident occurred three weeks ago in mid-October.

A BreadTalk spokesperson said in response to media queries:

We are aware of this incident as this happened three weeks ago. Since then, we have already stepped up our food safety and hygiene standards.

On the day of incident, our staff had immediately discarded the trays of breads within the vicinity, sanitised the area, and replaced the discarded items with a new batch. Our staff have also been trained to step up on their vigilance.

We have also highlighted this to the mall’s management and are working closely with them to prevent such incidents from recurring.

Previously, birds were seen eating fried chicken from an economy rice stall in Geylang, sparking cries of cannibalism.

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