How to fold bat origami that actually flies like a real bat

For Covid-19 season or Halloween or anytime this year, really.

Belmont Lay| October 05, 2020, 05:46 PM

As a result of someone allegedly biting into a bat, many people around the world in 2020 have lost their jobs and tourism has ended.

But prior to 2020, bats have been a powerful pop cultural force that has fascinated and inspired stories that inevitably touch on childhood trauma, untreated PTSD, and hero complex (i.e. mainly Batman fiction).

Bats were also the subject of a popular 1974 treatise on consciousness, as the premise of whether it is possible to be a bat posed one of the greatest contemporary philosophical conundrums (see What Is It Like To Be A Bat?).

For the majority of people who never had and never will have any problems with bats, their fascination with these sonar-enabled creatures can increase another level if they know how to fold bat origami that actually mimics bats' flight pattern.

Like this:

To achieve this fun activity that can consume you and your children's time for at least 20 minutes, you can check out this video.

Here's how to fold bat origami, a step-by-step guide:

If you can release a tonne of these during Halloween, it will make for an incredible TikTok video.

Just remember to pick them off the ground when you are done.

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