Timezone Philippines is selling arcade gaming machines from around S$1600

Arcade from home.

Sumita Thiagarajan| September 24, 2020, 06:33 PM

Fancy having an arcade game machine at home?

If you're in the Philippines, you can buy some arcade game machines from Timezone Philippines, a company that offers family entertainment activities.

Earlier in the month, Timezone Philippines announced on its Facebook page that it was offering game machines for sale:

The post featured a Hotshot, which is an arcade basketball machine, and the Air Hockey arcade machine in the post.

The cost of the machines were P$65,000 (S$1840) and P$55,000 (S$1560) respectively.

The post also highlighted that other game machines were available for purchase.

Since the initial announcement of the sale of the game machines, the company has made another post on Facebook to clarify that it is "not closing down anytime soon".As for Timezone Singapore, their outlets have been open since Jul. 4, 2020.

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Top images via Timezone Philippines/FB