Law says S'pore flag must technically be taken down before Sep. 30, fine of up to S$1,000 applies

Strict rules regarding display of national flag.

Jason Fan| September 26, 2020, 06:11 PM

Residents of Singapore, it is your duty to remove all national flags left hanging outside houses before Sep. 30, 2020 -- or risk a fine of up to S$1,000.

The law states that the national flag can only be displayed outside a building or in an open space between July 1 and Sep. 30 each year, during normal circumstances.

This is meant to allow Singapore residents to celebrate National Day.

Singaporeans were allowed to display the flag earlier this year due to Covid-19

However, the Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem (SAFNA) Rules were amended earlier this year, in order to allow the Singapore flag to be left displayed from April 25 to June 30.

The amendment came after the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) received requests from members of the public to display the flag as a demonstration of unity and solidarity with their fellow countrymen.

Even though the national flag is ubiquitous these days, the deadline for removing the flag is looming on Sep. 30.

As prescribed by the laws of the land, not complying with this rule is considered an offence: You might be liable for a fine of up to S$1,000.

However, Singapore has quite a few rules that are framed broader than what is enforced on the ground.

This appears to be one of those rules.

A Straits Times report in 1988 talked about residents hanging their flags up before the stipulated dates.

In the report, via NLB archives, here is the line regarding the rule breakers who put up their flag before the stipulated dates.

'A spokesman for the Ministry of Community Development said: "I salute and respect these people. It shows their pride."'

The issue of legality was also a footnote for those involved in National Day.

Screenshot from NLB/ST

While the current situation is technically a slightly different scenario, with this coming at the tail end of the stipulated dates, it appears there isn't any media reports on anyone getting fined for hanging the flag outside the given dates.

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