M'sian Instagram chef cooks carbonara with instant teh tarik, claims it's delicious

Yes, you read that right.

Syahindah Ishak| August 19, 2020, 01:16 PM

A Malaysian Instagram chef has taken fusion cuisine to a whole new level.

In a video posted on his Instagram page on Aug. 10, Mohd Asri Atan cooked a seafood carbonara with a glass of instant 3-in-1 BOH tea.

Yes, teh tarik.

Tastes good and blends well

The self-concocted dish is called the 'Carbonara Teh Tarik Kurang Manis (less sweet)'.

Asri explained that the teh tarik replaced cooking cream and milk typically used in carbonara.

The teh tarik, apparently, blended well with the gravy and spaghetti.

Asri wrote in his Instagram caption: "Oh my god, I swear this tastes so good. The tea and milk blends well with the gravy and spaghetti."

Here are the ingredients:

  • Spaghetti
  • BOH Tea instant teh tarik (less sugar)
  • Carbonara sauce
  • Capsicum
  • Mushrooms
  • Cheese
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Pepperoni
  • Prawns
  • Parsley
  • Black pepper

And here's Asri's step-by-step video for reference:

Mixed reactions

Asri's unorthodox recipe has gone viral, garnering over 200,000 views and more than 500 comments as of Wednesday (Aug. 19) afternoon.

Most were appalled by the dish, disagreeing with the teh tarik and spaghetti combination.


"Don't you feel nauseous?"


"Will probably have diarrhoea after eating it. Urghhh."

However, a few were curious to know if the dish is as tasty as Asri claimed.


"Wah you put in teh tarik...how does it taste??"


"Is it nice?"


"His recipe makes others want to try it just to find out how the teh tarik carbonara tastes like."

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Top images from @ashhryyyy/Instagram.