3-year-old girl in Taiwan gets caught in kite, yanked several metres into the air


Syahindah Ishak| Guan Zhen Tan| August 31, 2020, 11:47 AM

A three-year-old girl in Taiwan found herself getting lifted several metres into the sky after getting entangled in some kite strings.

In a Facebook video that was posted on Aug. 30, the girl appears to be caught in a long-tailed orange kite.

She was violently yanked into the air for a few seconds, as onlookers shouted in horror.

The video then shows the wind speed changing, causing the girl to fall back to the ground, into the hands of an awaiting crowd.

You can watch the full video here:

No reported injuries

The incident took place during the Hshinchu kite festival in Taiwan.

CNA reported that the girl suffered no major physical injuries, although she was left frightened.

Authorities also called off the event shortly after the incident.

Mayor of Hsinchu City apologises

The Mayor of Hsinchu City apologised to the public via a Facebook post on Aug. 30.

He said:

"The parents and staff members have sought medical attention for the child, and the child was sent to hospital. Fortunately, the child is well and has been accompanied home to rest.

The municipal team deeply apologise to those involved and the public. We will investigate the cause of the incident to prevent any reoccurrence. We will be accountable for this incident and conduct an in-depth review."

You can read his full statement here:Totally unrelated but follow and listen to our podcast here:

Top images from 跟著Via趣旅行~Part II/Facebook.