7 quotable quotes from the GE political debate between candidates on July 1

Some of the best quotes came from the verbal spar between Vivian and Chee.

Tanya Ong| Martino Tan| July 02, 2020, 01:49 PM

The first 'live' GE political debate, featuring four politicians from different parties, was aired on TV on Wednesday evening, July 1.

The debate in English featured the following politicians:

  • Vivian Balakrishnan (PAP)
  • Jamus Lim (WP)
  • Francis Yuen (PSP)
  • Chee Soon Juan (SDP)

Many netizens took notice of Lim, who was perceived by many, including a debate coach, to have come up tops in the debate.

But it wasn't just Lim all the way.

There were several remarks and soundbites that will be remembered by netizens for a while.

Here are some notable quotes from the debate:

1. Vivian: “This is why people have called the WP, PAP-lite or PAP-like".

During segment two, Vivian Balakrishnan had the chance to ask Jamus Lim of the WP a question.

He commented that WP's manifesto could have been written by the PAP.

"You know Dr. Lim, I've read your manifesto, and actually to be honest with you, we could have written the same manifesto. And that's why people have called the Workers' Party PAP-lite, or PAP-like. Whatever line or stand PAP has taken, you basically use that as your reference point, and take a half step to the left."

2. Lim: “We don’t necessarily object to policy just for the sake of objection."

Lim said that what they want is the "right policy.”

He also clarified that where WP differs from the PAP is where they think the trade-offs should occur.

“Where we (PAP and WP) fundamentally differ is where we think those trade-offs actually should occur. The People’s Action Party will tend to side on the side of capital, we think in fact, for every dollar of national income, Singaporean workers already receive an insufficient amount… We think that a rebalance of the type of share of labour income is ultimately necessary.”

3. Chee: "Dr Balakrishnan, you and I come from the same school"

On the issue of social mobility, Chee started on schools.

"Dr Balakrishnan, you and I come from the same school. And that school has taught us that we serve others first, before we serve ourselves. The problem that I see here is that your government has amassed and focused on all the top schools, all the elite schools in Bukit Timah area...

And that we tell families that if they want to ballot, they come within 1km of the schools, and that they can apply for their children to come to those schools. How many people can afford living or buying a house in Bukit Timah area?"

Both Chee and Vivian studied in Anglo-Chinese School.

4. Vivian to Chee: "What is the total bill of all the schemes you are proposing?"

The exchange went like this:

Vivian: “ Dr Chee, we have had many disagreements in the past”

Chee: “–professional ones”

Vivian: “–sure. My question to you is what is the total bill of all the schemes you are proposing?”

He then asked Chee how he intended to allocate the bill to taxpayers, how much he intends to allocate, and to whom.

5. Vivian: "That's a cheap shot, Dr. Chee."

Chee challenged Vivian to state categorically whether the PAP wanted to raise the population to 10 million or not.

Vivian: “Dr Chee, just today, the Prime Minister’s Office issued a statement, advising people like you not to indulge in falsehoods.”

Chee: “It was Mr Heng Swee Keat who came up with the (10 million population) idea...I cite you the (ST) interview”.

Vivian: "That's a cheap shot, Dr Chee."

Vivian then went on to say:

“Let me state for the record. We will never have 10 million. We won’t even have 6.9 million. The government doesn’t have a target for its population..You are raising a false strawman. That is a false statement. We have said so, and we will say so again.”

6. Vivian: "I’m afraid I have to deal with Dr Chee’s falsehoods again."

In his closing argument, Vivian opted to deal with Chee's assertions again.

"I’m afraid I have to deal with Dr Chee’s falsehoods again."

He later continued with this criticism of Chee:

“Have a care that you are not actually engaging in class warfare, you are not trying to divide our society...Don’t indulge in this. Don’t take it out on people, through no fault on their own, have been somewhat more successful.”

7. Lim: "What we are trying to deny the PAP isn’t a mandate. What we are trying to deny them is a blank cheque. ”

In the round-up, Lim said that he enjoyed the debate, and this is how he made the pitch to the voters:

“The PAP does not have a monopoly on the best ideas on we should bring the society forward. The PAP is arguing that this is really about giving them the mandate to bring the country out of this crisis. And they need this mandate in order to do so."

And here is the line that most viewers remembered from the debate: "What we are trying to deny the PAP isn’t a mandate. What we are trying to deny them is a blank cheque.”

And Lim closed with this:

"So that we can actually have this kind of debate, not just in a constrained forum over the table, but actually in the forum which was designed for this. Which is parliament. So if you believe, and I call on voters, if you believe in having all voices heard, if you believe that we succeed only when we have sound and rational debate about what matters. If you believe in the essence of a democratic modern society for the 21st century, then we ask that you make your vote count. And that you will vote for the Workers’ Party."

A pretty persuasive pitch to Singaporeans.

Top photo via Vivian Balakrishnan, Jamus Lim, Chee Soon Juan FB