Nursing home in Serangoon creates unique polling day for frail & aged residents so they can vote


Zhangxin Zheng| July 10, 2020, 12:57 AM

Here's a General Election story that will definitely warm the cockles of your heart.

One of a kind polling day for nursing home residents

Ling Kwang Home is a nursing home located at Serangoon Garden Way.

The nursing home takes care of 300 frail aged residents who are mostly wheelchair or bed bound and are highly-dependent on nursing care.

As a result of old age and illness, some elderly residents staying at Ling Kwang Home are unable to vote.

However, to include them in this crucial national event that they used to participate, the caretakers have created their very own polling day.

Instead of a slate of political parties to choose from, the residents are given two choices of drinks to vote: 3-in-1 coffee or tea.

The residents have to indicate their choice with an "X" on their ballot paper.

Big win for 3-in-1 coffee

And the drink that received a strong mandate was coffee with an overwhelming vote of 92.1 per cent.

Only 4.68 per cent of the residents voted for tea. Fret not, no election deposit money was lost.

Two voters spoiled their votes, including one who drew "O" instead of "X".Resident Annie Teo did not like the two choices and nothing is stopping her from getting a nice cup of Milo as a dissenter.At the end, everyone still got their drinks, thanks to these caring staff.

Around 90 per cent of the residents are referred to the home by the Agency for Integrated Care and are eligible for government subsidy.

However, there are some who are unable to pay for their stay at the nursing home.

For those who are unable to pay, the home relies on donations to cover the deficit in caring for them.

You can donate to them via

Here's the full post:Top photos via Ling Kwang Home/Facebook