Heng Swee Keat questions Workers' Party's motive taking up NCMP scheme all along

'Is it really extinction that the Workers’ Party fears? Or is the real motive of the Workers’ Party to expand, to win more seats in Parliament?'

Mandy How| July 05, 2020, 06:22 PM

Heng Swee Keat, the first assistant secretary-general for the People's Action Party (PAP), has released a video clip directly addressing the Workers' Party's (WP) stand on the Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) scheme.

The video was uploaded to his Facebook page on the evening of July 5.

Over the past few days, the subject of NCMPs versus MPs (Member of Parliament) has been much talked about by both the opposition and the ruling party.

While the WP brought up the "limitations" of NCMPs, deputy prime minister (DPM) Heng said that it was quite clearly a part of the opposition's strategy.

Heng elaborated that the WP wants voters to believe that a wipeout scenario would be possible, and should therefore vote in opposition voices into Parliament.

In response to this "election strategy," Heng made several points:

1. The PAP is not trying to shut the opposition out of Parliament

He said: "We understand that diverse views are important to ensure the best outcomes for Singapore, and Singaporeans value this diversity."

He went on to explain how the NCMP scheme has evolved over the years, included an increased number of opposition and expanded voting rights.

2. Questioning the intentions of WP

Heng pointed out that the WP has been taking "full advantage" of the NCMP scheme from the start, as majority of NCMP's have been from the party.

"I urge voters to ask yourselves – If it is really a matter of principle that the Workers’ Party is opposing the NCMP system, why have they taken up the NCMP positions all these years?"

"Is it really extinction that the Workers’ Party fears? Or is the real motive of the Workers’ Party to expand, to win more seats in Parliament?"

He added that alternative voices have also been institutionalised through the the Nominated MP or NMP scheme.

3. Asking WP to make a stand

The DPM then said that voters are entitled to know what WP's stand is on the NCMP scheme, as the opposition party has yet to indicate if they will accept NCMP seats in the next Parliament.

"They [voters] should not be made to think that the Workers’ Party will refuse NCMP seats, the opposition risks extinction, and so vote for them. Then after the elections, the WP takes up NCMP seats that they are offered. And in this way, they can have their cake and eat it."

Heng then asks WP to answer two questions:

"First, does the WP agree that with the NCMP scheme, there can be no opposition wipe


"Second, if offered NCMP seats, will WP candidates accept?"

Covid-19 crisis

The DPM argued that if the PAP loses four GRCs and two SMCs, a strong mandate would not be the point, as investors and other countries would see a "severely weakened" government and a nation

whose confidence has been shaken.

Heng then cited it as a critical time in history with the Covid-19 pandemic, and that the country needs a strong leadership to steer it out of the crisis.

He said:

"I urge Singaporeans to consider carefully – when you vote, you are choosing the next government for the country. Not just who is your local MP, who is going to speak up in Parliament, or look after your town council.

You are choosing the team who will work with you to steer Singapore through the worst economic crisis in decades.


By voting the PAP, Singaporeans will give us a strong and clear mandate to form the next government to take Singapore through this crisis and emerge stronger. At the same time, you are assured that opposition and alternative voices will continue to be heard in Parliament. Opposition voices will not be wiped out."

You can watch the video here:

Top image via Heng Swee Keat's Facebook page, Syahindah Ishak