Voters may bring their own gloves for Polling Day if they don't want to use disposable ones: ELD

Reducing plastic waste.

Sumita Thiagarajan| July 02, 2020, 09:07 AM

On Polling Day (Jul 10), the Elections Department of Singapore (ELD) will require voters to go through a 'quick and contactless' voting process.

As part of safety measures, voters will self-scan their NRIC and sanitise their hands, before putting on disposable single-use plastic gloves to vote.

Here's what the single-use plastic gloves look like:

Photo by ELD

Photo by ELD

Voters can BYO gloves

As Singapore fights the Covid-19 pandemic, plastic waste has been on the rise, especially with takeaway containers.

In response to Mothership's queries, ELD confirmed that voters may bring their own non-disposable gloves if they would like to avoid using the single-use plastic gloves provided at the polling stations.

Voters who bring their own gloves can put them on before receiving their ballot paper and take them off before leaving the polling station.

Here's the full statement from ELD:

"To protect the health and safety of everyone, ELD has put in place additional measures for voters on Polling Day. This includes having voters put on disposable gloves before receiving their ballot paper.

Voters may bring their own non-disposable gloves instead if they wish. They should remove their gloves and keep them away properly for washing and disinfect their hands before leaving the polling station."

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