Sengkang GRC PAP candidate Amrin: 'Don’t write my obituary just yet'

He will be missed by the residents whose lives he touched.

Belmont Lay| July 12, 2020, 12:06 AM

Amrin Amin, one of the four PAP candidates for the Sengkang GRC team, has put up a heartfelt post responding to an outpouring of support and sadness after losing at the GE2020.

Published on Facebook on the evening of July 11, about a day after polling closed, Amrin told those who appreciated his work in the community to "leave the door in your heart open for me".

He started off his post: "Thank you everyone for your warm messages."

Amrin wrote that he read the mostly positive comments, and the negative ones as well.

"Just to remind you - I’m not dead yet. Don’t write my obituary just yet 😬 I’ll come back stronger. Not so easy to knock me off."

This was in response to messages of regret that he cannot continue with his good work.

One comment that touched Amrin highlighted the impact he had made in the community, especially on the commenter's parents.

The comment by supporter said her parents would look forward to Amrin's house visits and they treated the former MP like a son.

The comment said:

"should have stayed in Semb GRC. u've made such a huge impact in everyone's life. especially my aged parents. they loved you just like a son. i remembered them saying to leave the door open during your house visits so that they don't miss your appearance and that is the first time they ever left their door open to a stranger. it affected them badly with tonight's result. SK felt they needed a change and who doesn't but unfortunately they din give you a chance to show them the changes you can do just like how you did to us. Wishing you all the best and dont stop touching peopel's hearts."