Returning S'poreans serving SHN at home & designated facilities can vote subject to ELD arrangements

Details will be announced after Nomination Day.

Guan Zhen Tan| June 29, 2020, 10:19 PM

The ELD announced on June 29 that after consulting the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Health, overseas voting at 10 overseas polling stations will proceed, so overseas Singaporeans can cast their vote.

Subject to Covid-19 situation in other countries

However, this is subject to the approval of the overseas authorities, and the prevailing Covid-19 situation in those countries.

The polling stations are located in the following cities: Beijing (China), Canberra (Australia), Dubai (UAE), Hong Kong (China), London (UK), New York (USA), San Francisco (USA), Shanghai (China), Tokyo (Japan) and Washington DC (USA).

The Elections Department (ELD) is working with the overseas polling stations to implement the necessary safety measures.

This is to ensure that voting is safe for overseas voters and election officials.

Details on the voting procedures will be sent to registered overseas voters after Nomination Day on June 30.

Voters serving SHN will be allowed to vote under special arrangements

For returning Singaporeans serving their Stay Home Notice (SHN) at dedicated SHN facilities like hotels, the ELD will make arrangements so that they can vote at those dedicated SHN facilities away from other voters.

This was previously mentioned under the Parliamentary Elections (Covid-19 Special Arrangements) Act 2020.

For returning Singaporeans serving SHN at home, the ELD will also make arrangements to allow them to vote while minimising exposure to other voters, candidates and election officials.

The ELD will share the details of the voting arrangements for returning Singaporeans serving SHN at dedicated SHN facilities and at home after Nomination Day on June 30.

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Top photo via ELD