Chonky tuxedo cat is all of us in S'pore who couldn't wait for June 19 phase 2 to start

Can't wait.

Belmont Lay| June 19, 2020, 11:55 PM

Singaporeans love phase two because their actions don't lie.

On June 19, 2020, the first day of life progressively going back to normal, many public places were filled with scores of people, mainly Singaporeans, who were cooped up at home for the previous two months.

Overnight, estate personnel were busy getting rid of tape that have been wrapped around amenities in common areas to prevent people from utilising and congregating around them to minimise the spread of Covid-19 during the pandemic.

Chonky cat in action

To facilitate the reopening of the economy, a neighbourhood community cat could not wait for phase two to kick in as it did the cat version of what humans were doing:

For a sense of the festivities that were a prelude to phase two, do check out this following video: