Public pool users shower at home before & after swimming, SSA proposes for Phase 2

No showering at communal facilities too.

Zhangxin Zheng| June 04, 2020, 12:39 PM

The Singapore Swimming Association has submitted a proposed list of guidelines to national sports agency Sport Singapore (SportSG) for the safe reopening of the swimming pools, likely to happen in Phase 2.

These guidelines that ensure safe distancing at the pools include the suggestion to allow only one person in one lane at any given time, The New Paper (TNP) reported.

The association also discourages the use of communal facilities such as the showering facilities at public pools. Users are advised to shower at home before and after swimming.

Another suggestion is to ask users to wear their swimming attire under their clothes when making their way to the pool or back home.

Training has resumed for some athletes

These suggestions come following the announcement by SportSG that some athletes will be allowed to resume training "under controlled conditions" at selected venues from June 1.

These are the athletes who have qualified or are close to qualifying for the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Games which have been postponed to 2021 due to the pandemic.

For these athletes, the SSA's guidelines for them include temperature taking, the usage of contact tracing apps, and only one person permitted per lane at any one time.

Athletes are also not permitted to shower at the vicinity.

SSA president Lee Kok Choy told TNP that the measures taken for training to be resumed can serve as a "pilot study" on how public pools could reopen.

Top photo by SportSG