14 bus & train staff in S’pore infected with Covid-19 since start of outbreak

The risk of contracting Covid-19 from taking public transport is low.

Ashley Tan| June 19, 2020, 07:40 PM

A total of 14 public transport staff have been infected with Covid-19 since the start of the outbreak, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said in response to Mothership‘s queries.

No evidence to suggest spreading to commuters

This number includes bus and train staff members.

However, MOH stated that its investigations have not uncovered any epidemiological links between these cases and passengers they may have been in transient contact with.

Additionally, there has not been any evidence to suggest Covid-19 transmission arising from public transport commutes involving staff or commuters.

The risk of contracting Covid-19 from taking public transport is low, MOH assured, as these encounters involve transient contact.

The risk of contracting the virus is higher in other social situations such as work, where the individual has close contact with an infected person.

This was previously explained by Minister for National Development Lawrence Wong when the circuit breaker ended, after there were concerns among Singaporeans as to why one could take public transport but was not allowed to meet their friends.

Avoid talking on trains

In its response, MOH urged all commuters to wear a mask and keep it on at all times when outside their homes.

Commuters should also refrain from talking to one another or on their mobile phones to reduce the spread and expulsion of respiratory droplets which could transmit Covid-19, something which Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan previously reiterated.

Commuters should also maintain good personal hygiene like cleaning and washing their hands reguarly.

In light of the pandemic, transport operators have also ramped up precautionary measures such as cleaning of buses and trains.

Top photo from LTA