2 security officers hold down woman who refuses to wear mask in Taipei train station until police arrive

She later said she was feeling down due to some relationship problems.

Kayla Wong| May 19, 2020, 06:25 PM

A 26-year-old woman was arrested in a Taiwanese train station after she refused to cooperate with security officers.

The incident happened on Friday evening, May 15, at around 7pm.

Asked to leave station as she refused to put on a mask

The woman, surnamed Cheng, was asked to leave the Taipei City Hall station as she was not wearing a face mask, EBC News reported.

However, she refused to listen when a female security officer told her to leave.

The woman even started attacking the security officer.

She also started attacking a second officer who helped her up from the ground and tried to calm her down.

GIF adapted via YouTube

She was later pinned to the ground after some tense moments.

GIF adapted via YouTube

She reportedly bit the officer on the arm after she was held onto the ground.

After about a minute, when the officer released his hold on her, she got up and continued hitting him.

Police subsequently arrived and arrested the woman.

Videos of the incident were later widely circulated online.

The officer sustained some minor injuries from the exchange, and was subsequently commended for his calm response to the passenger.

Woman said she was feeling down

After her arrest, Cheng said she was feeling down at the time due to some relationship problems, SET News reported.

She lashed out at the security officer as a result.

While she felt apologetic towards the officers, she refused to explain why she had refused to wear a mask.

Cheng was later released on a NT$30,000 (S$1,433) bail, Apple Daily reported.

Mandatory to wear a mask in trains and train stations

Taipei Metro has instructed about 286,000 passengers to wear their masks so far, SET News reported.

About 284,000 commuters had reportedly proceeded to wear their masks after being advised to do so outside the station.

In addition, about 2,800 commuters left the station as they did not have any masks with them.

Other than Cheng, only one other person has been fined for refusing to wear a mask.

Commuters in Taiwan can be fined about NT$3,000 (S$142) to NT$15,000 (S$716) for refusing to wear a mask.

Top image adapted via Facebook