Over 100 Thai elephants finally head back home after tourist attractions shut down due to Covid-19

Going home.

Nyi Nyi Thet| May 09, 2020, 04:26 PM

As tourism all over the world grinds to a halt, attractions that rely on these tourist dollars are taking an immense hit as well.

One such trade in Thailand is the numerous attractions offering "elephant rides".

Other parks and smaller conservation efforts have also folded.

However, one pertinent question that comes up is what exactly happens to these elephants now that they are left to fend for themselves.

It is tough times for the owners, with many unable to bear the rental fees and general costs of keeping an elephant.

Over 2,000 tame elephants are in danger of starving because their owners are unable to feed them.

Which brings us to the great trek home.

The Save Elephant Foundation in Chiang Mai, in tandem with the various owners of these elephants, has helped bring these elephants back home to Mae Chaem.

The Associated Press reported that over 100 elephants have embarked on the long trek home since last month.

According to the post by SEF, most of these elephants were originally from Mae Chaem, where they lived amongst the Karen tribe.

In their post, the foundation touched on why this long trek home was necessary.

"On their journey they will walk past mostly the dry area from forest fires burning for months. This is one of the reasons for them to leave the area where they used to stay. None of them know when they might return, as the tourist industry will see little growth in the months ahead.⁣"

In the same AP report, Sadudee Serichevee, an owner of an elephant experience park, who accompanied his elephants back to Mae Chaem noted how happy the gentle giants were when they reached home.

⁣“These elephants have not had a chance to return home for 20 years. They seem to be very happy when arriving home, they make their happy noises, they run to the creek near the village and have fun along with our children,” Sadudee said.

Image by SEF Instagram