S'pore Ambassador to US responds to Washington Post on migrant workers infected with Covid-19 issue

He said that Singapore feels a deep responsibility to take care of these workers.

Martino Tan| May 05, 2020, 11:50 PM

Singapore's Ambassador to the United States Ashok Kumar Mirpuri has responded to a Washington Post article on the migrant workers bearing the brunt of Singapore's Covid-19 outbreak.

The article, “Migrant workers bear the brunt of Singapore’s outbreak”, reported that the situation of migrant workers infected by Covid-19 in Singapore "highlights the vulnerability of migrant workers".

It noted that "the risks of infection are exacerbated by overcrowded living quarters, poor nutrition, limited access to health care and personal protective equipment, low wages and, in some cases, discrimination".

As of May 5, 16,393 of the 18,778 Covid-19 cases are work-pass holders living in dormitories.

The article also highlighted comments from critics, who said that "these events have revealed a hubris among the authorities and the wider community", who failed to prepare for the possibility of an outbreak among the most downtrodden.

"Thorough review of what must change and how we could have done better"

"We feel a deep responsibility to take care of these workers" said Mirpuri in his letter addressed to the Washington Post on May 5.

Mirpuri went on to explain that there was an outbreak of Covid-19 infections for the migrant workers in the dormitories despite the government urging the dormitory operators to take precautionary measures.

He noted that the measures proved insufficient unfortunately.

He also detailed the steps currently taken to support the migrant workers, in terms of health, financial support, food and emotional support.

The ambassador said that there will be time for a thorough review of what must change and how Singapore could have done better.

In the meantime, Mirpuri pointed out that Singapore's "focus must be to win the fight against the coronavirus".

Below is his reply in the Washington Post:

Regarding the April 22 news article “Migrant workers bear the brunt of Singapore’s outbreak”:

There was an outbreak of novel coronavirus infections in the dormitories for migrant workers despite the steps we asked dormitory operators to take since January: ensure safe distancing, step up cleaning, suspend nonessential communal activities, require temperature checks, distribute hand sanitizer and segregate residents from different dormitory blocks. Unfortunately, the measures proved insufficient.

Now we must deal with the ongoing outbreak. We must provide workers assurance and health care. This includes testing them extensively, which is reflected in the high number of cases reported.

We have set up medical posts in all the dormitories with clusters of infections. All migrant workers with fevers or respiratory symptoms receive timely treatment, including intensive care should they need it, at no charge.


Beyond medical care, we cater three meals a day for migrant workers. Government financial support to their employers helps fund their upkeep and ensure that they can continue to be paid. We have arranged remittance services and ensured free Internet access so they can stay in touch with friends and family. Community partners counsel workers who need social and emotional support. We are enabling Muslim workers to observe Ramadan and celebrate Eid al-Fitr, just as we celebrated the new year with Indian workers.

We feel a deep responsibility to take care of these workers. When the dust has settled, there will be time for a thorough review of what must change and how we could have done better. For now, our focus must be to win the fight against the coronavirus.

Ashok Kumar Mirpuri, Washington

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