S'pore schools to reopen with staggered sessions from June 2, priority given to graduating cohorts

Beginning of Term 3.

Fasiha Nazren| May 19, 2020, 08:00 PM

The Ministry of Education (MOE) announced that students will progressively return to schools and Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) from June 2, 2020.

For MOE Kindergartens, K1 and K2 children will also return to school from June 2.

This will mark the start of Term 3.

Staggered sessions in schools

Priority will be given to students from graduating cohorts as well as students who need additional support.

The reopening of schools will happen in two phases for:

  • Primary school students
  • Secondary school students
  • Junior college students
  • Millennia Institute students

Phase 1 (First few weeks of Term 3, from June 2)

Primary and secondary schools

In the first phase beginning from June 2, primary and secondary graduating cohorts (Primary Six, Secondary Four and Secondary Five) will attend school every week, from Mondays to Fridays.

Students from other cohorts (Primary One to Five and Secondary One to Three) will rotate weekly between Home-Based Learning (HBL) and returning to school for lessons.

This arrangement helps to reduce the number of students in schools at any one time for better physical distancing.

Here's an illustrative weekly schedule for reference:

Photo from MOE.

Junior Colleges and Millennia Institute

Arrangements will be made for 50 per cent of students to be back in school at any one time.

A system of rotation will be in place to ensure that all students have more than adequate face-to-face time with their teachers, especially for the graduating cohort.

Phase 2

This will be done in tandem with the broader easing at the national level, possibly in a few weeks' time.

In Phase 2, all Primary school, Secondary school, Junior College, and Millennia Institute students will return to school from Mondays to Fridays.

APS, NLS & SPED students to return by June 8

MOE will also stagger the return of students from Assumption Pathway School (APS), NorthLight School (NLS) from June 2.

By June 8, all APS and NorthLight students will be allowed to return to school.

According to MOE, this arrangement will enable these students to make full use of the school facilities for their learning, which is more hands-on in nature.

Due to the high level of need of students from Special Education (SPED) schools, MOE will also stagger their return to school from June 2.

By June 8, all SPED school students will be allowed to return to school.

Plans for IHLs


Polytechnic lectures and tutorials will remain online. Students will return primarily for practical and lab sessions.

Institute of Technical Education (ITE)

ITE students will rotate weekly between online and on-campus lessons. Students will return primarily for practical and lab sessions.

Autonomous Universities (AU)

Students from the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) will continue having lectures and tutorials online.

Students will return primarily for practical and lab sessions, including capstone and final-year projects.

Other AUs will be having their school break.

Private Education Institutions (PEI)

PEIs offering pre-tertiary and tertiary courses can also allow their students to return, taking reference from the plans and safe management measures for schools and IHLs.

The Committee for Private Education under SkillsFuture Singapore will provide more details to the PEIs in time to come.

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Top image from MOE/FB.