Circuit Breaker: To be more productive during work-from-home, you’ll need to rethink your desk​​ arrangement. Here’s how.

Hang in there, Circuit Breaker will end one day.

Andrew Wong| Sponsored| May 09, 2020, 10:57 AM

I hadn’t been the biggest fan of work-from-home when my company first started doing it. I knew it was necessary to flatten the curve, but I had also heard how work-from-home can also lead to fattening my curve from snacking too much.

My day would start out like this -- Wake up, brush my teeth, bathe, send a few emails, and before I know it, it would be time for lunch. And then tea-break soon after.

Productivity level wasn’t at its highest, and it took me a while to realise that maybe my desk was the problem. After all, that desk had always just been a space for me to place my food while I figure out which Netflix series to start on next.

So after a few calls from my very concerned boss, I decided that if I wanted to get some actual work done, I would need to reconfigure my space, otherwise “circuit breaker” would turn into a “career breaker”.

So if you’re like me, here are some DIY things you can do to make your WFH space more conducive.

If you get distracted easily

Stop checking Facebook or Tiktok. Stop fidgeting with the things around your desk. For some, work might require long, uninterrupted hours at the desk, and 100% focus.

What you’ll need: ​​Either noise-cancelling headphones or ear plugs (or some tissues if you don't have one), and some discipline.

Step 1:​ Noise-cancelling headphones are a literal lifesaver. Trust me, use a good one and you’ll never have to be distracted by the sound of the neighbour upstairs drilling, the elderly couple arguing next door or your dad re-watching a Michael Jackson concert outside for the 30th time. Or you could also try making your own ear plugs with bits of tissue (just don’t push it in too deep).

Flickr/Judit Klein

Step 2: ​​Some other free alternatives to blocking out external noise are sites like ​​Noisli and ​​IMissTheOffice​​ that provide soothing background sounds to create a relaxing work environment for you.

Step 3: Declutter your desk! One reason why you’re distracted could be because there are many things that are overwhelming you at your desk. That pack of sweets? Distraction. The pile of unopened letters? Distraction. That book you were going to read? Also distraction.

You’ll also need to have the discipline to only keep things that you need for work on your desk, otherwise you’d be spending more time cleaning than working.

Declutter! Flickr/Dossy Shiobara

If you want to stay active at your desk

Do you remember how your parents would always chide you for not being able to sit still when you were younger? Well, if you’re experiencing the same thing now (like walking to the kitchen multiple times a day), here are some tips that might sit well with you.

What you’ll need: A chair, books, and some small boxes.

Facebook/Stretch Zone Bloomfield

Step 1: Just because you’re sitting at your desk doesn’t mean your body has to be in that same position for hours on end. There are plenty of stretches you can do sitting down, or even just standing up. Just a few seconds of stretching will make you feel better instantly, plus it benefits your back and neck in the long run.

Step 2: Well if you really can’t sit for long periods, why not stand up and work? ​I find that I can focus way better when working on a standing desk, plus it can be easily created with things around the house. A couple of books and some cardboard boxes should do the trick.

Photo by Andrew Wong

If you miss your social life

It’s been almost a month since we last met our significant other and/or friends, and sometimes it can feel like you’ve spent the entire day alone in your room working, while only getting to meet your food delivery rider. However, even though we can’t physically meet our friends, there are still digital ways we can interact with them.

So if you find yourself unable to get much work done because you feel isolated, and are missing some real life company, here are some things you can do.

What you’ll need:​ Some pictures of you and your loved ones, blu-tack/magnets, and a little bit of creativity.

Photo by Olivia Lin

Simply stick some pictures of your friends around your workspace. It’s that simple.

I consider myself an average guy who doesn’t like decorating his room, but I have found myself being more motivated in doing so now.

The pictures not only allow me to reminisce about the fun times before Circuit Breaker, they also remind me to call in on them to check how they’re doing. More importantly, it also serves as a reminder that one day this will all be over, and that I would be reunited with my significant other again (just like Jeong Hyeok and Se-ri in #CLOY).

Working from home is not easy. We’re all going through tough times, and a large part of that is beyond our control.

What we do have control over is the way we configure our working spaces at home to better adjust to this new normal, which will help us tide through the Circuit Breaker a lot more smoothly.

These tips don't always have to involve buying fancy desks or cool furniture, because with some creativity, you too will be able to turn your home into a fun and conducive WFH environment with things you already have.

If you’re the visual sort, here’s a TikTok video to round up the points above:

@mothershipsgHow to be more productive when working from home. ##stayhomeforSG ##SingaporeTogether ##SGUnited ##tiktoksg ##fyp

♬ Supalonely (feat. Gus Dapperton) - BENEE

And with that, it’s time for a tea-break!

Top image from Unsplash/Robert Bye

Learn more about SG United from its ​Telegram channel​ and the ​SG United​ portal.

This sponsored article in support of SG United encourages writers to clean up their desks.