S$55 million in support for artists & art groups affected by Covid-19

The arts can help sustain us in difficult times.

Sulaiman Daud| May 26, 2020, 12:57 PM

Artists and arts group facing troubles related to Covid-19 can tap into a S$55 million Arts and Culture Resilience Package.

Announced on April 7, this package administered by the National Arts Council is aimed at supporting artists and providing opportunities for them until the end of the year.

Online training programmes for artists

Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Culture, Community and Youth, Baey Yam Keng said in Parliament that the Capability Development Scheme for the Arts, part of the package, will support training programmes until Dec. 31, 2020.

This scheme allows artists to access subsidised courses, including training programmes, and help trainers to earn some income.

Baey name-checked artists and groups like Maestro Yeh Tsung, Chong Tze Chien and Checkpoint Theatre who have shared their experiences through virtual classes.

Added Baey:

"Mr Speaker, the arts and culture can uplift our spirits in these difficult times, provide comfort, and sustain our emotional and physical well-being."

Arts in a digital medium

In addition to the scheme, the package also offers a Digitalisation Fund, which supports commissions for works to be presented in a digital form or via a digital medium.

Applications under the Digital Presentation for the Arts Grant are open until July 31, and works must be completed by Dec. 31. Successful applicants may receive up to S$20,000 per project.

You can apply at this link.

62 applicants have been supported since it opened on April 14, including Jazz Association Singapore's online concert on April 30, which attracted almost 100,000 viewers. Said Baey:

"The allocation for each area of support under the ACRP will depend on the evolving national situation, as well as the needs and demands of the arts and culture community."

Top image from Jazz Association Singapore YouTube.