Youth dances on Lorong Halus bridge, says 'f*** the circuit breaker, they stay home, we stay out'

Please stay at home.

Tanya Ong| April 16, 2020, 04:55 PM

Elevated safe distancing measures have been implemented in Singapore in order to curb the spread of Covid-19.

People have also been encouraged to stay at home where possible and only go out to "do essential things", meaning that all social gatherings are now banned.

Some are still not complying, though.

A video that has been circulating in WhatsApp groups and social media platforms shows yet another example of this.

Youth dancing on bridge

The video shows a youth dancing to techno music, while giving a running commentary on his displeasure towards the circuit breaker measures.

The location is on the bridge at Lorong Halus Wetlands.

Screenshot via WhatsApp video.

The youth, who was wearing a mask folded up slightly to leave his mouth exposed and said:

"F*** the circuit breaker, because we don't give a f***. We don't give a damn!"

He was also seen doing obscene gestures, such as pointing his middle finger and gyrating.

Screenshot via WhatsApp video.

Screenshot via WhatsApp video.

He also reiterated that the more the government tells them to stay home, "the more (they) come out":

"They stay home, we stay out. We're not scared of the government! The more they ask us to stay at home, the more we come out."

Some voices from other people can also be heard in the video, but their relationship to the youth in the video is not known.

The video concluded with him saying:

"We're staying out every second, every minute, every hour every day, until coronavirus spreads to the whole Singapore."

It is unclear when exactly the video was taken.

It is likely to have been recent as it talked about staying home and not going out.

Enforcement action in Singapore

Enforcement action has been taken against those who break the rules of the Covid-19 circuit breaker.

First-time safe distance offenders face a S$300 fine.

In some cases when members of the public are uncooperative, police assistance has been required.

Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Masagos Zulkifli, said that the government has been receiving a lot of feedback on the circuit breaker measures, such as photos and videos of people who are not staying at home, or flouting safe distancing measures.

However, he asked that members of the public not send photos that are not originally theirs to enforcement offers, as this could cause officers to waste time pursuing past events.

Top photo via WhatsApp video screenshot.